Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV Series 2013)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is an ensemble comedy about a talented-but-carefree detective, a by-the-book police captain and their precinct colleagues. While based in the workplace, Brooklyn Nine-Nine is not really about the…
Marvel’s Jessica Jones (TV Series 2015)
After a tragic ending to her short-lived super hero stint, Jessica Jones is rebuilding her personal life and career as a detective who gets pulled into cases involving people with…
The Chestnut Man (TV Series 2021)
At a grisly murder scene sits a figurine made of chestnuts. From this creepy clue, two detectives hunt a killer linked to a politician’s missing child.
Navarasa (TV Series 2021)
From amusement to awe, the nine human emotions of Indian aesthetic theory are explored in this anthology series.
The Witcher: Blood Origin (TV Series 2022)
More than a thousand years before the world of The Witcher, seven outcasts in the elven world unite in a blood quest against an unstoppable power.
Constellation (TV Shows 2024)
When a fatal accident occurs on board the International Space Station, a lone astronaut makes the heroic journey back to Earth, only to discover key pieces of her life—including her…